This is a small gallery of paperback covers of Dan J. Marlowe paperbacks. Most are from my own collection, but some were taken from a Flickr collection by
Steve and a paperback Drake series collection at The early Gold Medal covers are the best. The reprint covers were much less interesting. Black Lizard did a nice job with their pulp covers although they all tend to look the same. Early Avon covers of Marlowe's Johnny Killain are quite nice but are much like the covers of other authors they were publishing at the time (the late 1940s).
Untitled Document
Gold Medal s1184 (1962) |
Gold Medal revised (1973) |
Black Lizard (1988) |
Italian paperback (?) |
Gold Medal (1969) |
Black Lizard (1988) |
Digit Books (?) |
Avon (?) |
Gold Medal (1974) |
Black Lizard (1988) |
Gold Medal (1968) |
Gold Medal (1974) |